Nitro's Friday Favorite 5 - Tips on Peak Performance and other Cool Stuff

Dan "Nitro" Clark here.  This email, called "Nitro's Friday Favorite 5" is a quick way of letting you know 5 things that I'm loving, digging and using in my life for peak performance.

The items will relate to health, fitness, diet, recovery and gear -- sprinkled with things that help keep me motivated, inspired -- and as healthy and fit as possible.    
Every other Friday (or something like that), I'll send you a short email with my recommendations.  Hopefully, you'll find something useful!

Here is the first set:

- Supplement -- I'm loving Lionheart Refuel. One of the most crucial times to feed your body for maximum growth and recovery is during the "30 minute post-work out window."    For maximum recovery, I take Lionheart Refuel right after I workout.  It has everything you need WITHOUT all the fillers and additives.

- Gear that I'm excited about -- WODies from JerkFit.  I don't know about you, but I hate when the palms of my hands tear from high-rep bar workouts. WODies are designed to reduce painful hand tears during those killer WODs.  Using these, I get a lot more reps... and no rips!

- Book I am reading -- I'm always interested in reading books that push the limit of what is humanly possible.  If you think an ultra Marathon or Death race is challenge then you gotta read: Into Thin Air - A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster.  It's a thrilling, bone-chilling book about heroism, sacrifice and human frailty on an impossible journey.  I devoured it in a weekend.

- App I am using -- We all know sleep is critical to recovery.  If you have troubles going to sleep try the Mindifi Sleep app.  It's a guided visualization you listen to that will put your ass to sleep.  When it's night-night time, I lay in bed, slap on the headphones and listen to "Sleep like a baby" script... and off I go to la la land.  It works every time.

- My inspiration this week -- Isiah Bird, a 6 year-old wrestler who was born with no legs, inspired me with his amazing talents.  My favorite line in the video is at .53 seconds when he says, "I have no legs. But I don't need no legs. I'm a Gladiator."

Thanks for for reading.  Have a great weekend and do something f'n insane like this!



P.S.  So... what do you think?  Please let me know what you're interested in hearing more or less about.  Send me a message on Facebook @DanNitroClark or on Instragram
@DanNitroClark.  Hashtag it #NitroFriday5 so I can find it.