Nitro's Friday Favorite 5 - Tips on Peak Performance, Motivation and other Gems!

Dan "Nitro" Clark here.  Time for another dose of "Nitro Friday 5!"  A short list of gems -- that I'm loving, digging and using in my life for peak performance, motivation and inspiration.    

- Gear that I'm excited about -- Inzer Knee Sleeves -  I love how easy these knee support sleeves are to put on and that the tension is adjustable - unlike neoprene supports that become loose once you start sweating. On leg days, I don't leave home without them.

- Supplement -- If you are only going to take one supplement.  Make it fish oil. That's how important it is to your overall health and recovery.  I'm loving Stronger Faster Healthier Fish Oil.   It has no artificial ingredients and is more POTENT per teaspoon than any other brand. It comes in 5 awesome flavors - with no burpee after taste. I like the peppermint best! CODE: APL saves 10%.  

- Book I am reading -- Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super Athletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen.  This is probably the best book about running I've ever read.  I'd be surprised if there's a better book about the sport, spirit and science of endurance running.  

- App I am using -- My Fitness Pal.  Recently, I was having trouble figuring out why I wasn't leaning out even though I was eating clean and training hard.  I've been doing this a long time and know my body pretty well.  I continued to cut calories, thinking that was the answer.   It wasn't until I began to track my total calorie, protein, fat, and carb in My Fitness Pal that I discover the culprit.  I wasn't eating enough.  I know we all wish that was our problem.  But regardless of the weight issue you're dealing with - starting tracking what you eat.  It'll make a HUGE difference in your results.

- My inspiration this week -- This video never fails to inspire me. If you've seen it before, it's time to watch it AGAIN.  We all have setbacks. We all fall. But with every setback, there is a chance to comeback and RISE.  Turn the VOLUME up when you watch this video. #INSPIRATION.

The idea behind the Nitro's Friday Fav 5 is to help you in your journey of living a healthier, happier more fit life.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.  Is there something you want more or less of?  Is there a tip you liked best?

Have an awesome weekend. Stay inspired!

Dan "Nitro" Clark

P.S.  You can always send me me a message on Facebook @DanNitroClark or on Instragram